8 tips for Creating Awesome Content for your E-Commerce

8 tips for Creating Awesome Content for your E-Commerce

Creating interesting and relevant content on your site helps your site get indexed and makes it more visible in Google searches. But content creation isn’t necessarily easy. How do you get great content that is pertinent to your E-commerce?

I’ve already mentioned how having a blog can help your SEO strategy when you are an online retailer. But creating the blog is the easy part: creating the content for that blog is where it gets tricky. So I’ve adapted this infographic with 8 strategic steps to creating amazing, visually aesthetic content to get your blog going viral.

Not only will a good content strategy generate a strong impact on your social media engagement, but it will help boost your online reputation. When you create great content, your customers will see that you know what you’re talking about, and this can help build trust.

1. Start from your selling point

Before doing anything, you need to find the correlation between your message and what your E-commerce has to offer.

8 tips for Creating Awesome Content for your E-Commerce

This means you don’t produce content to produce content. That might sound redundant, but you need to remember that there has to be a definite relationship between what you create and what you’re selling. Be innovative, but above all be logical about your strategy. For example, if your E-commerce is in the high-tech domain, you should probably leave out your best gardening tips.

Figure out what’s trendy in terms of content, which will help you see what’s happening in your sector and will allow you to reach a larger audience. There are tools you can use to keep up to date on trends and news, like Google Insights and Twitter search.

Of course, see #1. These trends need to have some kind of link to what you’re selling, as well as your audience. If it’s not pertinent, it’s not good content.

3. Use what works

This is going to require a bit of research and testing. You need to see what kind of content works the best with the audience you’re trying to reach. By choosing content that works well with your audience, you’re allowing your customers to be closer to you (and subsequently, your products as well).

8 tips for Creating Awesome Content for your E-Commerce

You audience might respond better to visuals rather than articles. Maybe your customers prefer DIY videos on how to use your product. Be creative!

4. Get those creativity gears turning

Content creation is not a new or innovative strategy, but it’s one that works. So you need to expect your competitors to be using the same tactics. This means you need to be creative, and innovate the ways you create content.

Don’t be afraid to get informal and test everything to see what your audience likes best.

5. Change it up

So you found your style and what works really well for you. That’s great- but people get bored easily. Don’t be afraid to shake things up with something a bit different. Feel free to get out of your conventional style and offer different things for your audience by changing your writing style, or making new pictures, or doing a more humor based blog post, for example.

8 tips for Creating Awesome Content for your E-Commerce

Be spontaneous! That’s what will help you differentiate from your competitors.

6. Optimize your content

Optimize the sharability of your content: include a meta description, use a call-to-share, and don’t forget your key expressions to incite your audience to share your content. If your content is all about cars for example, the word “car” (and its variants) should appear several times in your content (which will help you index your site with search engines).

7. Pick your channels carefully

What channel is best for your content and your audience? If your audience is a Twitter-friendly crowd, go that route. If you are a B2B E-commerce, go with LinkedIn (and Twitter to a lesser extent). Choose the channels that are going to be great for your blog, and stay active on them.

8 tips for Creating Awesome Content for your E-Commerce

Be sure to adapt to each channel you use to publish your work. For example, what you post on LinkedIn isn’t going to look at all like what you’d post on Pinterest. If your content is video based, obviously Youtube is your best bet (which then makes it easier to publish on other platforms).

8. Gather data

As with any great marketing strategy, gathering data is the best way to understand how effective your strategy is. You should know how often your content is reshared, how many people saw it, where traffic to your blog is coming from, and how it sizes up compared to the competition.

There are several tools to help you do this, and because I like you, here’s a list with links:

8 tips for Creating Awesome Content for your E-Commerce

It’s important to create content to make your blog as visible as possible. Getting your blog visible is what will drive people to your site and thus drive your sales. With these 8 tips, you can create an awesome content strategy for your E-commerce.

Image credit : Nina Aubert